Friday, November 14, 2008

Phillip's New Home

This was written in January of 2007. It's one of my more cryptic stories. It was also the first one I wrote with absolutely no real agenda.

Phillip just moved into the neighborhood last month. A whole month of being there, and no one from the community had stopped by. Not one pie, or casserole in the arms of a smiling stranger greeted him.

He looked around his spacious new room. The plush furniture that was so soft if had a spongy quality gave the old lifeless space a new light. He had dual plasma HD screens to the front. His only complaints were about the cable company: the signal seemed to go down around midnight and sometimes it seemed as if he were stuck on one channel. He had two windows, one on each side. Even when they were closed, he could hear the noise from outside. He figured he must be around some sort of train station, or airport. And that was just the living room!

Phillip sat on his couch, his body sinking into the material. "Why won't anyone visit me?" he wondered aloud. He must have done something he was not aware of to have kept his new neighbors away. He looked along his walls. They were quiet bare. "Ah ha!" he thoughts, his finger pointing to the ceiling. Surely the neighbors had come by, but seeing through his windows that he had nothing on his walls made them turn around. No one would want a dry man with no taste as a friend!

Phillip knew he had to put some pictures on his wall. He rummaged through his new house and found some things the previous owner had left. Pictures of friends, family, places they had been. He chose the best pictures and got out his nails and hammer and began working on his new room, pounding on the walls and humming to himself.

Maggie closed her eyes and raised her hands to her forehead. She was in excruciating pain. It felt like someone was hammering nails into her head.

1 comment:

Echelon said...

This is truely one of my favorites. I love the concept and the fact that if you don't pay close attention you miss the whole thing. Way to keep me enthralled, girl. As I have said many times..I love your brain.