Saturday, November 15, 2008

Sisterly Love

This was written in February of 2007. It was about a member on the StationZer0 site named Losty09. What a brilliant girl.


"Why can't you be more like your sister?"

This was something Alyssa heard all the time. Whether it was from her parents or inside her own head, she heard it all the time.

Her sister was perfect. Well, she may not have been the most perfect, but she was certainly better than Alyssa. Perfect grades, perfect job, perfect hair, perfect style. She as everything Alyssa wanted to be and couldn't be.

Alyssa sat miserably at her desk working on her chemistry project and thinking about how is she was her sister, it would have been done already. And it would be perfect. She poured some mixture of liquids into another jar.

Knock knock

The knock startled her and she bumped her arm, knocking a vial of liquid into the larger one, and more covering other things on her desk.

"Come in!" She shouted, trying to fix the spill, but with a low groan, she realized she would have to start over.

"Darling, dinner is almost ready," her mother said looking in. She noticed the mess. "Good gracious! You are going to clean that up, aren't you? You are always spilling things. Why can't you be more like your sister?"

"Yes mother," Alyssa answered, mopping the spill up with a towel. She made sure everything was cleaned off and ready to be worked on after dinner. She grabbed her glass of soda off her desk and walked to the kitchen to eat dinner.

Dinner was the same, conversation about how well Alyssa's sister was doing with her job and how well she did in school compared to Alyssa. She was glad when it was over. She drank the last of her soda and excused herself from the table. She went to her room to work on her chemistry work.

When she walked into her room, KayKay, her fluffy white cat was on her desk licking around.

"Hello my sweetums!" Alyssa said, swooping the large cat in her arms. "How is my precious today?" The cat purred in her arms and the leaped to the ground, running into the hallway.

Alyssa worked all night long on her chemistry project well into the middle of the night. When she was happy with her work, she laid on her bed and went to sleep.

The next morning, she awoke, but not in her own bed. She was not in her own room. She was not in her pajama's! She was in her sisters bed, in her sisters room, and in her sisters pajama's! She ran to the mirror hanging on the wall. It was her sister's face that was reflected back at her. Her sisters eyes got large as her hands felt around her face. What was going on here???

She ran out of her room as her mother who was sitting down at the kitchen table greeted her warmly and shouted for Alyssa to get up and ready for school. Alyssa (in her sister's body) ran to her room. There was her body sleeping in her bed, curled up in a ball.

"Hey!!!" she shook her body back and forth trying to wake her up. If Alyssa's was in her sister's body that must mean her sister was in her body!

She continued to shake the body until it seemed that she was waking up. She gave a long languid stretch, her hands and feet curling. She looked at Alyssa (in her sister's body) and crawled out of bed, pushing herself around Alyssa's legs.

"What are you doing?" Alyssa asked, keeping her voice down so her parent's didn't hear her.

There was no answer other than a deep purr and then a "Meow Mix".

"Meow mix?" she questioned. Then it struck her. Only cats would ask for Meow Mix! "KayKay is that you?"

"Hungry" was the only reply. She sat down and started licking her hand.

"Oh no. That means my sister is a cat!" she was momentarily worried, but then she realized. Her sister was a cat! She ran from the room, looking for her sister (now in a cat's body). When she couldn't find her, she went to ask her mom. "Where is KayKay?"

"Oh, there is something wrong with her this morning," she said looking at her daughter. "She would not stop howling. I put out food for her and everything and she kept going at it, clawing at my legs, jumping in my lap and clawing at my shoulders. I finally put her outside."

Behind them in the kitchen, the body of Alyssa (now KayKay the cat) was eating from the dish on the floor.

Alyssa (now her sister) walked off to her room with a smile and got ready for work.

1 comment:

huuuuuuhi said...

I forgot about this one. I love it still. I like when you had the mini-explanation in parenthesis. It made me laugh every time. Oh, and I also laughed when the cat (now in Alyssa's body) said "Meow Mix" and Alyssa (now is sister's body) said "Only cats would ask for Meow Mix". loled for days.